Sunday, June 13, 2010

Men are from Mars...

I went out last night with my girlfriend Jules to this little bar that we love so much for a few pomegranate martinis. I hadn't seen her in a few months & since I was in Detroit for a minute we decided to hang out.

Oh yeah...I didn't tell you guys ? Houston didn't work out so much after all.

Well actually Houston COULD have worked, just not for me. It's a beautiful place (Bush Sr & Jr REALLY looked out for home), but my heart was somewhere else, plus other matters were involved (a couple of deaths in the family) that prompted me to return, temporarily to Detroit. While home I decided against returning to Houston & follow my heart to where I truly wanted to be...Atlanta.

Yup, SBB will be in the 'A' next month ? Think of the juicy things I will see there !

So anywho, back to the bar. Jules was telling me about this guy she's been dating for the past 3 months & she's sharing their ups & downs & whether she should fall back, or stay in the game with him, you know, the usual dilemmas we face when dating. She told me one minute he's hot, the next minute cold & what really had her up in arms today was he went to a wedding & didn't invite her to be his date. She struck a cord when she said to me "...I don't want him to change his life for me or give up the things he needs or loves...I just want him to let me in his world..."

I almost choked when she said that ish. It was as eloquent as it was potent.

Isn't that truly what we all want ? To be let in a bit ? When dating someone we truly like, MOST of us women (sorry, I can't vouch for you crazies) just want a place on his window seat. We don't want you to change for us, (contrary to popular belief) being YOU is what reeled us in, we don't want you to get rid of your friends, we don't need you up under us 24/7, we don't really care that you go out, we just want to be somewhere in the mix of all that.

So why are some men so afraid of commitment ? Why is it an ugly, four letter word to them ?

We all know the story about how when he was 6 little Keisha who was his first girlfriend stepped on his toe, knocked his lunch box off the table, & played on the slide with little Ricky at recess instead of him thus causing him to say "screw b*tches" ever since. We get that guys (even though they won't admit it) can't handle heartache the way women can. A woman will get her heart broke 10 times but will still throw on her Herve Leger bandage dress, some "watch my walk" pumps, painstakingly beat her face & strut into the nearest happy hour praying for the best while expecting the worse.

So why is that ? Are women gluttons for punishment ? Are men truly trying to keep themselves unattached for when the mythical "freak train" rolls into town ?

I don't think either is the case...well...maybe not the first one. I honestly don't have an answer. I do however have an opinion. I honestly think that women are just romantic beings. When we are little we get fed stories of Prince Charming riding in on white horses to whisk us off to blissful. We watch cartoons with happy endings where they live "happily ever after" & we long for that. Even when we are grown & realize that couldn't be further from the truth, we still want our own Prince Charming. He may be as far from the fairy tale as you can get but he works for us so he is OUR man on the white horse even if others (including himself) don't see him that way.

Now as for's a little more complex. If you are around my age (which is GROWN by the way) you grew up in the glorious days of the 'Video Jukebox Network' channel in which callers were charged anywhere from $1.99 to $3.99 per call to make a request of up to three videos. The FCC wasn't as strict back then so young boys were treated to 2 Live Crew, NWA & tons of booty shaking. Pretty soon the misogynistic lyrics that were embedded into their brains became a lifestyle to them. We became the enemy of sorts. If we wanted you to take us out we were "gold diggers", if we liked you & had sex with you we were "hoes".


A lot of men find it hard to believe that there are STILL good girls out there. Some of us bring a lot more to the table than just our appetites. We aren't trying to be saved & we don't have ulterior motives. Some of us simply want to be loved & to be able to give love back while being his rib. We are strong but we don't want to emasculate him. We simply...just want to be let in a bit.

Is it really that hard to get or is the oblivious act just a ploy to temporarily keep us at bay ?


Again, I don't have an answer for why men are scared of commitment. If I had that answer I'd have 'Oprah' type money. Men will forever be a riddle & women just need to get over trying (for the most part) to figure them out because men & women will always be similiar yet very different. Like proper English & slang. They come across in vastly different forms although the general concept is the same.



Sunday, January 24, 2010

Well it's Sunday. Lifetime Sunday to be exact. Sunday is the one day of the week that most Americans choose to relax. It's that last day before the work week begins, school starts back, & the interstate is bumper to bumper. I personally LOVE Sundays. Don't get me wrong, I dig Saturday as well, but Saturday is just SO busy ! I learned the hard way the the Galleria mall on a Saturday is PURE chaos ! You are going to drive around for 10-15 minutes trying to find a parking spot only to get into the M*A*C store to find it completely congested.


Sundays run WAY more smooth.

By this day you have already gotten all of your errands & weekend duties out of the way so you are free to lounge around, eat spinach dip, drink Lambrusco & watch Meridith Baxter-Birney give one HELLA of a performance as Betty Broderick in "A woman scorned".

Yup...Sunday living.

Anywho, another thing I like to do on Sunday is catch up on current events & gossip blogs. While reading some of my favs I see that one of the top stories this week was about Charles E. Phillips Jr., the president of Oracle Corporation & President Obama advisor who was victim of the ultimate dose of revenge of a jump off scorned. Phillips is a handsome, clean cut "boy done good" type executive who makes an impressive 20 million a year.

But ooohhh Chuckie had a secret.

Charles, who is very married to wife Karen whom he shares a 10 year old son Chas has had a sidepiece name YaVaughnie Wilkins for the past 8 1/2 years. Their relationship included luxury vacations, sporting events, movie dates, & even president Obama's inauguration. YaVaughnie was even living large & lavish thanks to Charles in an impressive 11 million dollar love nest in affluent Hillsborough, California.


Apparently things begin to go sour, or perhaps it had something to do with the fact that Charles & Karen who had filed for divorce in February 2008 had decided to reconcile. Nonetheless Charles ended his relationship with YaVaughnie & sold the home she resided in to a private equity investor December 16th of last year.

Looks like she didn't take the news very well.

YaVaughnie paid an impressive 50 stacks apiece for...*ahem*...count 'em THREE large billboards, one in Atlanta, on in San Francisco, & one in lovely Times Square all with a lovely intimate picture of her & Mr. Phillips with the tag line "You are my soul mate forever - CEP". She also mentioned on the billboards a website (now removed)that served as a shrine to the now defunct relationship.

Revenge is a dish best served cold eh ?

YaVaughnie succeeded in her task. She even allegedly sent an email to the web designer that stated "I've become famous". Charles & his indiscretion is now front page news everywhere you look.

Tiger Woods is somewhere doing the Cabbage Patch.

Now we all know that "loose lips sink ships", but was YaVaughnie justified or should she have walked away quietly ?

Opinions seem to be split. Some say that living like a Queen for almost a decade & then being sent away with not so much as a severance package is just bad business. Others say that is the chance you take when rolling the mistress dice. Sometimes you win, sometimes you get craps. Now me personally I'm torn. A part of me (albeit the part that has a flair for juicy drama worthy of a whole 2 hours on Lifetime)thinks that Charles got his "just desserts". He too rolled the dice & lost, the cheater dice. He had a beautiful, mistress who for years played her position fabulously. He didn't plan on her taking it all "ending" so hard.

It's all a gamble kids.

Now another part of me thinks that YaVaughnie kind of played herself. Now until this all dies down no man in his right mind is going to want to come anywhere NEAR the new Karrine Steffans. She is now blackballed in the world of "kept women", not to mention that 9 times out of 10 this will only strengthen Charles' marriage with his wife because let's face it, the wife hardly ever goes anywhere in cases like this (see former Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick for reference).

Not to mention she is effin up the game ! Damnit YaVaughnie !

I kid, I kid *CHEEZ*

Later gators,


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Is plastic surgery the new "black" ?

Today I decided to honor one of my New Year's resolutions & go for a run. Afterwards I decided to defeat the purpose by picking up some lunch from Panda Express. On the way home from Panda Express I decided to stop at Walgreen's to grab some Baked Lays & my must have on deck at all times sugar free Red bull (momma was down to her last can).

While waiting to check out I silently perused the magazines near the counter & discovered the new People magazine with the headline "Addicted to plastic surgery" with a beautiful woman in a gorgeous purple dress. Silently I wondered who she was because I didn't recognize her. As I studied the cover a bit more I noticed in the upper left corner a picture of Heidi Montag from Mtv's "The Hills" & it said 2008. It took me about 10 more seconds to realize that the woman in the dress was Heidi Montag !

I couldn't believe it ! She looked like a totally different person. After seeing that cover I just had to cop that mag ! After reading the article in which Heidi stated " For the past three years I've thought about what to have done. I'm beyond obsessed". I thought to myself:

Is plastic surgery the new "black" ?

Plastic surgery isn't hardly new at all. People have been getting nips & tucks for eons. They were just more discreet about it. When a woman went away to go get a face lift she told her friends she was going away to a spa retreat or something of that nature. Nowadays women pass along their plastic surgeons information like they're giving you the phone number to their beautician. Women are willing to go to extremes to become exactly who they want to be. For example, if you were the flat chested girl in high school with a bird beak for a nose & an extreme over bite, you can now for several thousand "throw some D's" on yourself, get rhinoplasty & expensive orthodontic surgery.

YOU ! Now you're fabulous :-)

Supposedly plastic surgery was just something that "rich white folks did". Not true. Black women just know how to keep a secret better. In 2002 African American Detroit city council woman Brenda Scott died from a severe infection in her stomach three days after undergoing surgery for the LAP-BAND system to restrict the size of her stomach. Around that same time about 4 women from my job had already gotten similar stomach reduction surgeries.

...why is everyone so willing to talk about it now ?

Perhaps because it's now harder to keep it a secret. Plastic surgery has gotten bigger & bolder in recent years. Women leave work for a week looking like 10 year old boys & come back looking like Dolly Parton. Dear, sweet Ms. Jenkins your son's 1st grade homeroom teacher takes "some time off" & comes back to work a month later looking like Ms. Parker from Friday. Lastly there's nice little Sherman who was in your 10th grade drama class who now dances at The sexy kitty & now goes by the name "Sasha".

Yup. You can live out all your desires for a few Benji's.

The latest big thing *pun not intended* is butt implants. This particular procedure appears to be gaining popularity like wild fire, especially in the urban community. It's become such a hot commodity that it is apparently done more "underground" than in an actual plastic surgeons office. The "I got it for cheap" version is given in the form of illegal hydrogel shots. Supposedly it began with transvestites & like all juicy gossip the word got around that for just a couple stacks you too could look like J Lo circa 2001.

Sadly the desperation in some of these women to enhance their posterior has superseded the God given common sense to want to remain healthy & alive. Some of these "hood doctors" are using dirty needles & industrial strength silicone thus causing multiple deaths already with this extremely risky procedure. The situation is getting so out of hand that even Tyra devoted a segment to the subject on an episode of her talk show discussing "the dangers of plastic surgery". Will this stop young girls from getting this procedure ?

Umm...I'll take "hell no" for a thousand Alex.

As long as hip hop videos continue to show men ogling beautiful women who have waists like 5 year old girls & booties like Big Momma then women will continue to put their lives at risk.
Don't get me wrong now, I am a pro plastic surgery supporter. As long as it's SAFE. Puhleeze believe this Barbii has toyed with the idea of upping the ante so to speak on my own rack . Hell, I even believe Heidi looks great after her surgery. I do think however it was a bit excessive seeing as how she could have knocked on my door this morning while I was watching an episode of The Hills & handed me my newspaper & I would have had no idea who the hell she was.

I wonder how her parents felt when they saw their new daughter...

I wonder if this is just the underlying of a much bigger problem such as extreme lack of self esteem ...

I wonder if good ole Spencer had anything to do with this.

I guess we'll have to wait until the new season begins to find out.
Blowing this popsicle stand now kids...
Later :-)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Let them eat cake...or no ?

Well, well, well. It's been a long time. I shouldn't have left you.

Yea, that was corny.

SOOO much has happened in the last few months. My hiatus albeit it long, was absolutely necessary. This Barbii has changed a lot. I've changed my attitude, my goals, my expectations, & most of all my time zone. I'm now based in H- Town. A new town & a fresh start in order to grow. Change is good for everyone. You should try it :-)

One of the things that has NOT changed is my relationship status.


I haven't been in Houston long enough to give you all the low down on the men. To be honest the hottest guy I have seen thus far was in a damn Wal-Mart by my house. I'm talking Morris Chestnut in "Two can play that game fine". Too bad that after we exchanged smiles he walked over to a two door Hyundai & had to get in on the PASSENGER side because the driver's side door apparently didn't work.

There went THAT conversation. Damn Gina !

Now don't get me wrong. I'm not a stuck up Barbii, but c'mon son ! I do need four working doors. I could see my girls shaking their heads laughing & scolding me that I was wrong, that he could have been "the one". Anyway, after several four letter words to myself while beating my steering wheel upon watching him climb into his atrocity of a vehicle I had to ask wonder.

Do I need to compromise my standards in order to be in a relationship ?

I have been single for quite a while now & a lot of it has to do with the fact that I don't want to settle for something I perceive to be less than I want. I'd hate to get married just for the right to run up & down the street Shug Avery style & yell "I's married now" or worse to "fit in" with my married friends. Truth be told I wouldn't trade places with any of my friends who have already taken the plunge. Most of them are typical Suzy homemakers. They stay at home, take care of babies, cook large dinners nightly for their families, & cater to their husbands. The highlight of their day is Wendy Williams.

I'd rather slit my effin wrists than live like that.

Don't get me wrong. I am kinda ready to play the "wifey" part. I cook, keep a clean crib & I can cater to a dude like I sang back up for Matthew Knowles favorite daughter. Do I want to throw in the towel on my standards in order to have that ? ma'm.

Now I realize that when in a relationship compromises have to be made. There are certain things that are unacceptable. Still there will be some things I will miss. I like my freedom. I like being able to go hang with the girls & come in at 4:00 a.m. with my heels in one hand & a carry out box from a 24 hour diner in the other. I like being able to pee with the door open. I like not having to be cute ALL the time at home. I like being able to flirt back when a hot guy is flirting with me & not feel guilty. Most importantly I LOVE being able to watch Lifetime Movie Network ALLL day Sunday & not get the side eye.

Now, the ish I DON'T like.

I don't like sleeping alone. I don't like when I make a kick ass dinner there is no one to sing my praises. I don't like spending my WHOLE birthday with just my girls. I don't like staying in the house on Valentine's Day so that I'm not bombarded with countless reminders of my single status. I don't like that first week after my cycle when I am oh so ...*clears throat*...randy ...& I have to settle for either internet porn or Cinemax.

Yes. It gets REALLY real.

But the thing I truly detest is the oh, so dreadful first date. I hate the forced conversation, the "meeting the representative" & not the actual person, I hate the whole unfamiliarity of this new person who is about to carve a chapter, whether miniscule or colossal into my life. Now don't get me wrong. I totally get that this is absolutely essential in order to get to the desired placement in the relationship of my dreams, but it is still a nuisance.

I just wanna have my cake AND eat it to ? I mean isn't that what the damn cake is for anyway ? To eat ?

We shall see I guess.

Later Gators



Since I am finally moved, unpacked, & settled my blogs will be more frequent. At the very least weekly so be sure to check back with ya girl ;-)

Monday, August 24, 2009

"Paging Claudine, paging Claudine"

Ok, so yesterday I went to the BBQ with the girls & we had a blast. Uncle Leroy thankfully was not there, there were no ribs, just chicken & fish (which was delish), moscato (not a fan...I'm a pinot grigio kind of girl), there were only about 15 people there so it was quite intimate (cool), the weather was great...not too balmy, not too chilly...perfection. The conversation was nice. All in all a great time. Afterwards we went to this bar nearby that was relatively new & the bartender who was a friend of Madison & Honey's let us eat & drink for free AND he gave us plenty of credits on the jukebox which we played everything from the essential Earth, Wind, & Fire's "Can't hide love" (my fav) to Erykah Badu's "Otherside of the game".

It was oh so fabulous fun :-D

Anywho, I made it back home about 1:30 in the morning with the rest of my shrimp from the bar in a take out box & feeling mellow & content.

Today I woke up feeling pretty good. I went light on dinner today since I went HELLA hard yesterday & cooked grilled mesquite shrimp with couscous. It is really good, filling, & not to mention pretty healthy.

Don't worry. I will hook you up with the recipe at the end.

Anywho, after I ate I left out for a few hours, ran some errands, hit up my favorite smoothie spot then came back supposedly to tell you all a whole bunch of nothing about how I went to a BBQ then a bar then came home.

Boring as shit huh ?

Instead I curled up on the couch to watch one of my all time favorite classics, "Claudine". I love this movie for a number of reasons, besides Diahann Carroll being absolutely beautiful in this film I love the strong black woman that she projected. She had 6 kids, no man (until James Earl Jones came in on his golden garbage truck & swept her off her feet), had "Mr. Welfare" on her ass, worked as a housekeeper, then came home at the end of the day & worked her ass off in her OWN house all while raising 6 damn kids.

Damn. Do they even make them like her anymore ?

I watched the movie as I had countless times before but this time I wondered quietly to myself ?

Where have all the Claudine's gone ?
Now I don't mean where did all the welfare mom's struggling to survive go ? I mean where did all the strong black women who believe making it was not JUST an option, but the ONLY option. What happened to that woman that would bust her ass daily at a job she didn't necessarily care for (& probably caught the bus there), but did it because she was a survivor. A fighter. She was independent & took no shit from anyone, especially a man,

Oh, & her hair STAYED laid, pants with a crease that could cut butter & she smelled like Chanel No. 5.

Where is SHE at ?

You had women who worked during the day & took business classes at night to better themselves & give them an edge for when they went for that promotion. They had small apartments probably no more than 600 square feet but when you walked inside it was neat, clean with fabulous dime store knick knacks, Chaka playing in the background & smelled of incense sticks. Women were strong, proud, & demanded respect.

Don't get me wrong. We still have a lot of chicks that are out there making the donuts, but where did our strength go ? Can we all agree that today's woman appears to be a largely watered down version of the strong, black woman of yesterday ? Did we get soft because a lot of our men stopped acting like real men & instead became glorified & celebrated gigolos ? Are we now getting more paranoid & desperate because more & more of our men are either in jail, gay (or downlow), or already married (& not a lot of them to US)

Misogynist lyrics have been increasing in not only rap, but in some r&b songs since the 90's, but when you are in a club & you see the women singing along louder than the men - ladies we have a serious problem.

My girlfriend & I were just talking about Lil Wayne's "Every girl" song in which he expresses oh so eloquently "I wish I could f%*k every girl in the world". Why are their women singing this song & LOVING it ?!

He couldn't want to just love them ?

*sigh*...bless them babies...

Yes ladies & germs, Claudine has left the building...hopefully she will find her way back soon because she was a class act & lord knows we need her.




Here is the recipe for the shrimp & couscous (YUMMY) !

Enjoy kids :-D

Grilled Mesquite Shrimp

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 4 minutes
3 pounds large shrimp, peeled with tails on and de-veined
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
8 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons chili powder
1 tablespoon garlic powder


Place peeled shrimp in a large bowl. In a medium saucepan, combine all ingredients, except for shrimp. Once butter has melted pour marinade over shrimp, cover, and allow to marinate in refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. Preheat grill for medium-high heat. Place 4-5 shrimp on each skewer. Place shrimp on grill rack and allow to cook for 2 minutes her side. Remove and serve.


Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
1 1/2 cup couscous
2 3/4 cups water
1/4 teaspoon salt


In a saucepan, bring water to a boil. Add salt and stir. Add couscous and remove from heat and allow to sit for about 5 minutes. Couscous should be light and fluffy, not gummy. Be sure to allow the couscous to absorb the water.

*tip* Prepare couscous with chicken broth instead of water. It really makes for a nice flavor :-D

Sunday, August 23, 2009

"Sugar to shit"

Ok, so the margarita's made Barbii get a late start today, but it's Sunday ("Lifetime Sunday" to be exact ladies) so it's acceptable. I showered, teeth are brushed, & have digested my turkey bacon & egg whites with low fat cheese (damn Atkins). I really wanted a mimosa but had no champagne so just simply orange it was (because it would have been TOO early to put vodka in it...right ?)...

Anyway...moving on. As you all know last night I decided against going out & instead kicked it at "Club Barbii" solo dolo ending the night conked out on my couch with "Purple Rain" on repeat & an empty pitcher of pomegranate margarita on the table. Oh & it was SOOO delish ! I'll include the recipe at the end kids :-D

What to wear, what to wear...

It's not really hot today, so far it is only 68 (damn...where did summer go that quick?)...but I actually like the weather when it's cooler (me thinking fall :-D). The clothes are way more fabulous...knee boots, UGGS (I oh so LIVE in my chocolate ones), fly jackets, dope sweater dresses that accentuate said knee boots, tight fitting Joe jeans (I am a jean addict)...I think it has to do with me being born in the fall, I just love it.

But it's not THAT type of weather yet, so let's find something to wear today kids.

My girl Madison called me today & invited me to go to a BBQ w/her & my girl Honey (not her government of course, but her true nickname) around 6 ish. Now I NEVER turn down a chance to grub on some ribs (at least Atkins is good for something right) so I happily accepted even though it looks kinda gloomy out & rain may be in the later forecast.

Ok, I think I know what I am going to wear today, so let's move on to today's topic shall we ?

Ladies, what do you do when the great guy you are dating is great on paper, but the spark just is NOT there ?


We have all been here before. After dating asshole after asshole you FINALLY get a gift from the date fairy & meet "him". He has his shit together. No kids (sans the baby momma drama), He has a degree, maybe even an MBA, a fly ass loft (think Brian Kinney on "Queer as Folk"), bomb ass gig...hmm...maybe a financial analyst (yea, Im reaching I know), pushes a fly whip, teeth that look like he was BORN with braces or some ish because his teeth are THAT perfect.

Anyway, you all see where I am going right ? Dude is the ish.

You guys go out a few times & each date is better than the previous. You are TOTALLY enamored with this dude even though you are trying your hardest to not fall so quickly. You email each other while at work & continue during your lunches by texting.

It is flirtatious, it is brand new, it is bliss.

Then IT happens.

You two have just left one of your favorite sushi joints & the sake has you feeling SUPER sexy & him as well. You are driving back to his place & Neyo is crooning through his sound system...

Damn, the night couldn't get any better could it ?

You make it back to his place & you are doing your BEST Melyssa Ford strut across the hardwood floor to him (damn that Sake is a confidence booster right?)...

You & him begin to kiss (he is a great kisser), hands are going everywhere (you are READY for it), you both make your way to his bedroom &...

...20 minutes later you are lying on your back trying to figure out how to get the hell up out of dodge & fast.

The foreplay, the equiptment, hell, even his moans....all wack .

After you hit your girl while he is asleep with that "call me with an emergency" text so that you can get the hell out of there (which always works like a charm right girls) you get dressed, race to your car, sit behind the wheel & wonder.

What the hell just happened ?

Ladies & germs, sugar to shit just happened.

Sugar to shit is that dreadful experience when you meet the perfect guy who unfortunately can't screw his way out of a paper bag. He is good on paper, looks are flawless, he is so YOU. But he will also be the reason that you have to go to Rite Aid every week to restock on KY Jelly. Now sex is not what defines a relationship of course, but it does help keep things running along quite nice doesn't it ? We all say we want the aforementioned guy...the "good guy", but do we really ? How many women are willing to walk away from the "good guy" because his sexual skills are lacking ? How about the ones that stay with him only to cheat on him with the "bad guy" who has you sweating out that press & curl that you stayed in the shop for 6 hours to get ?

Oh now DON'T act like you don't know about the "bad guy" ?

The bad guy is that dude that your silly ass met at (of all places), the club. That hot ass club that was advertised a gazillion times on the radio & facebook. He is gorgeous of course, whip is nice, as far as his crib it can be one of 2 things...

You haven't seen it because he lives with "a friend"

*side eye*

He still lives with the 'rents (MASSIVE fail in which you deserve to be burned)

Or he simply just doesn't want the jump off (oh, that would be YOU) to know where he lives because Mr. Playa has had 1 too many drive by/pop ups while entertaining other lady friends.

His sex is OH SO bomb ! I'm talking afterwards you are at the crib (YOUR crib because he didn't invite you to stay the night ) basking in the after glow.

He doesn't offer to go out on a real date too much & if he does it is probably because you are taking too long to put out & he feels that is the sacrifice he must make. He goes out damn near EVERY night to clubs, not upscale lounges or bars, not restaurants, but "free before 11" clubs, & much like Norm at Cheers, "everybody knows his name".

Yea, THAT guy.

This is the guy that you KNOW is bad news. You see through that smile & how he says ALL the right things but you STILL give him a chance to make you a damn statistic.


So the question I pose ladies is this...

Why do we ignore those little "tell tell" signs that are there in the beginning & proceed with the facade of a relationship until the inevitable occurs ? Why do we set ourselves up to be 2 months down the line pissed beyond control, eating Ben & Jerry's & listening to Mary J non stop (oh, & I'm talking "depressed, drunk, & going through the ish with K.C." Mary circa '93).

Why can't we just give that "good guy" a try ? Is it because women secretly crave some sort of drama or chaos ? Is it because we too love the thrill of the chase ?

Hmm...Imma have to digest this bit today & talk it out with the girls on the way to the BBQ....

Damnit ! It's 4:43 & I am still in a damn robe !

Ok kids, I am about to get dressed & head to the BBQ. Pray that there are no drunk Uncle Leroy's there that will try to make me dance with them & that the ribs are beef.

Holla 'atcha later tonite !




I didn't forget the recipe kids ! Enjoy responsibly :-D

Pomegranate Margarita

Courtesy of Danny Boome (

Prep time 5 minutes, makes 4 servings, real easy

Lime wedge, plus more for garnish
4 ounces white tequila
2 ounces Triple Sec
1/2 cup pomegranate juice
1 lime, juiced (optional)
Club soda

Saturday, August 22, 2009

"Where is my sexy night life" ??

My phone has been blowing up off my hip today. My inbox on facebook rapidly filling, twitter has tons of "@" messages. I'm not usually this damn popular. I mean, I am a fabulous kinda gal, but it's the weekend & everyone wants to hit the streets to either go to some overpriced, crowded club, bar, or lounge. I guess I should have on a pair of American Apparel liquid leggings, one of my many pairs of 4 inch heels & push my boobs up to my chin to join the masses, but instead I have on a pair of Target cotton girl boxers & a boy beater. My face is scrubbed clean instead of M.A.C. powder, exaggerated eyes & Dior gloss, and I am wearing a ponytail. Not the sexy, tousled ponytail that cascades down one of your shoulders, (hold my ponytail bish :-D), but the ponytail that you put in your hair to keep it off your face & out of the way while you exfoliate. Sexy eh ? Yea, I didn't really think so either. Why did I decline all the invites tonite ? Well, the club scene has been rather disappointing to say the least. No interesting people, the drinks blase`, there is the possibility that some jackass is going to get hammered & want to fight for no apparent reason forcing you to run your ass out the door & scuff up those hella expensive Stella McCartney pumps that you just had to have, then to top it off you have that ridiculous $20 cover, or $40 if you want to sit in a cramped, roped off area no different from the regular admission to feel like you are (Jesse Jackson voice), somebody. Then there are the faux ballers who walk around with that same half empty ass bottle of Grey Goose (not impressive by the way fellas) with their entourage of 21 year old girls who follow these losers around the club taking flick after flick (bless them babies) . They aren't buying drinks & they scream (yes bish, SCREAM) in your ear trying to holla & damn near force you to make an appointment the next day at the nearest miracle ear center. Anywho, that is why my fabulous ass is at "Club Barbii" tonite. The drinks are as strong as I like & overflowing. If I want a margarita I don't have to deal with some wack ass bartender telling me "yo baby gurl I can't make any frozen drinks tonite". The music selection is the ish AND they WILL play Jamiroquai "7 days in sunny June" without giving me the side eye. Oh, & did I mention that I don't even have to tip my bartender :-D

Love it !

I may step out for drinks tomorrow (as I do still go out pretty regularly), but we'll save that for next time :-D

Anywho consider this a psuedo introduction to my blog. There are a ton of entertainment blogs out & I am a fan of a lot of them, but this is not that type of blog. I will occasionally engage in discussions about celebrity current events, but this blog will be sort of a blogger smorgasbord. I will talk about my life & all it's fabulous happenings (or lack of, but I digress, glass half full people :-D), favorite cocktail recipes, favorite quotes that every single, black Barbii should know. Discussions about men, men, oh & of course men. Sex will be a frequent topic because this Barbii is not a whore, but not a prude either. It will be well rounded & entertaining because besides being intelligent & witty I am a pretty sarcastic bitch when I want to be. So tell a friend who will tell a friend who will hopefully tell a gay guy then EVERYONE fabulous will know (it's all love, I HEART my Divo's) because it is going to be great fun. Check in everyday because I will be sure to try my DAMNDEST to update daily & regularly.

*Yawns*...Margaritas are kicking in...

Ok, be easy kids,




Quote of the day:

"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." — Marilyn Monroe